42 weeks
‘42 weeks’ encapsulates the emotions and trauma faced by Christian women holding on to God for the promise of children. It further elucidates the cultural stigma attached to women of African descent if they cannot produce a child after marriage. The society represented in the play demands that a woman has not entered into her full womanhood until she has birthed a child and preferably a son. This is most often seen as bearing an heir to the family name. Gbadero Lahanmi in his classic style brings out the hidden emotions that women face daily from external relations, in this case in-laws, and what is often contemplated albeit never spoken. He looks deeply into the heart of a woman who is confronted with a situation that almost negates the promise of fruitfulness engraved in the heart of the Christian woman.
He also depicts what the christian man called to ministry must do to hold up his faith in God, his conviction in his calling and his strength for his family in the time of vulnerability and dissipated hope.