GROUP 17- 19
28TH AUGUST 2020 12:30PM - 1:30PM
Alexander Olugbuyi
My Story
Alex Olugbuyi is a general all round profit opportunity curator, ideas person and implementor. Yes, a bit of a mouthful. During the day I tinker with technology systems that make sure financial institutions play nicely with each other within the rules across a variety of asset classes. In my spare time, I embark on my investment adventures - blockchain, digital asset creation and self-directed traditional investing. I consider myself most comfortable in a room where I'm far from being the smartest person.
Some people call that self-development, other people say it’s not. I say it’s God's way of keeping me on my toes.
About My Course
Opportunity is all around. However, how, where and when you begin is key. This session will delve into the wonderful world of opportunity that is all around us - a journey with rich rewards that awaits those who dare to believe they can, and subsequently take action.